How do I change the tax settings to GST

  1. From the dashboard navigate to the system settings by clicking on the settings tab from the left-side menu on the dashboard.

  2. Once you’ve clicked on settings another menu will open below, click on “system settings.” A new window will then open up. 

  3. From the top of this page click on the “tax defaults” tab.

  4. Uncheck the auto tax calculation button.

  5. Change the “default tax text” to say “GST” by typing that in.

  6. Check to make sure the “sales tax” rate is the correct rate for the GST.

  7. Click on submit to save the changes.

    **If you also need to add PST, you can add it to the invoice expense list by following the steps below:

  8. Click on settings from the menu on the left side of the screen.

  9. Scroll down until you find “system lists” and click on that tab.

  10. Click on “payment/expense lists.”

  11. Click on “invoice expense.”

  12. To add PST as an expense, click the blue “add new” button.

  13. Fill in the PST as the expense title and any other fields you deem necessary.

  14. Click the checkmark on the right side of the screen to save this expense.

    **Once you have added this expense you can select it as a line item on the invoice and adjust the cost as you see fit.

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